2007年7月26日 星期四

Ave Maria - 聖母頌

聖母頌其實有很多首,而樓上這是古諾所作的聖母頌,改編自巴哈的平均律鋼琴曲第一卷C大調前奏曲,旋律相信是非常之耳熟能詳了。這段影片最有趣的地方是人聲大師Bobby McFerrin「演奏」平均律的部份,然後由現場觀眾合唱聖母頌的部份。這種Acapella的表演方式,與各種器樂版本比較起來,更加添了幾分純粹的和諧寧靜。

Ave Maria,
gratia plena,
Dominus tecum,
benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus
fructus ventris tui, Jesu.

Sancta Maria,
Sancta Maria,
Ora pro nobis nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora
in hora mortis nostrae.


2007年7月4日 星期三

KT Tunstall - Other Side of The World

Other Side of The World(到不了的終點)

Over the Sea and far away  就像遙遠一片浮冰
She's waiting like an iceberg  她靜靜地等著
Waiting to change  等待愛帶來的改變
But she's cold inside  把早已冰凍的心
She wants to be like the water   融化成輕柔的水

All the muscles tighten in her face  相擁時心意已決
Buries her soul in one embrace  和往日的靈魂告別
They're one and the same  她和他既是一
Just like water  就像一滴水和另ㄧ滴水

The fire fades away  愛情的火花不再
Most of every day is full of tired excuses  連自己都厭倦繼續編著避不見面的理由
But it's too hard to say  就算這樣 誰也說不出口
I wish it were simple  多希望 能簡簡單單的
But we give up easily  輕輕鬆鬆的 分手
You're close enough to see that  若是你這麼了解我 應該早就知道
You're the other side of the world to me  你的心是我 到不了的終點

On comes the panic light  慌亂的燈光下
Holding on with fingers and feeling alike  就算十指相扣 感覺還是一樣
But the time has come, To move along  我想該是分手的時候了

Can you help me  算是放過我
Can you let me go  你就讓我走吧
And can you still love me  只是當我真的消失時
When you can't see me anymore  你還會愛我嗎...

